A Support to Local Cooperative Establishment by EUL Academician

The book “Transformational Dynamics of Cooperative Movement in Cyprus” under the editor work of the Dean of European University of Lefke (EUL) Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty Prof. Dr. Okan Veli Şafaklı is published by Detay publishing.
Şafaklı who noted statements in regards to the preparation phase of the book, stated that the cooperative movement has been a significant occurrence not only local but also at international level underlining the importance pointed out by the European Union, United Nations and also International Labor Organization who regards the cooperative movement not only as economic advantage but also social welfare. Şafaklı emphasizing that neo-liberal political domination is also been felt in TRNC due to the globalization, stated that, “This concept thus, is in contrast to the social and environmental progression goals of institutional administrative concepts”. The basic mission of the cooperative movement is to meet the needs of its members and preserve the flow of sustainability in social and environmental concepts. Şafaklı also stressed that the state and international level of interest have arose in this field of cooperative movement, in means of developing and increasing this form of collaboration.
Şafaklı: The book was authored in order to raise awareness of the transformation dynamics in the TRNC
Şafaklı said that the TRNC cannot imagine being left indifferent to the new regulatory and reform efforts in the world regarding the cooperative movement, that the TRNC, which is in the process of harmonization with the EU acquits, will not be able to close its eyes to the change and transformation of the cooperatives in Southern Cyprus on the same island. Şafaklı, therefore noted that in the TRNC, international co-operative politics and the dynamics of change and transformation in Southern Cyprus should be taken into account to initiate the restructuring process.
He said that the book was authored in the TRNC in order to raise awareness of the cooperative movement’s need for restructuring or the dynamics of transformation. He said, in the study; “The Role of the Republic in the New World Order and the Role of the State”, belongs to the “Turkish Cypriot Cooperative Central Bank’s Co-operative Position and Priority” chapters do belong to himself. Şafaklı stated that the book entitled “Factors Affecting the Success of Cooperatives and Factors Affecting Membership: The Example of Güzelyurt Development Cooperatives” was cooperatively authored with Meryem Aysun Özkardeşler Tuncer. The book also includes Pelin Yaylalı’s “Historical Development of the Cooperative in Cyprus”, and “Evaluation on the Cooperative Sector: Co-operation and Restructuring of the Cooperatives in Southern Cyprus to the European Union Legislation” and a chapter of Prof. Dr. Serdar Saydam’s ” Notes from the 1. Cooperatives Congress conducted in 1984″ took place.