“A Studio Program on TV- Regie Process” was discussed in EUL

The well-known director Geçmen shot a program with regie accompanied by the students
A seminar and workshop on “A Studio Program on TV – Regie Process” was organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Communication Sciences and EUL TV.
Producer-director İsmail Ragıp, a member of TRT, participated in the two-day event as a lecturer. He also has documentary films in which he has produced and directed many films such as “Rüzgarın Son Alaçatı”, “Zeus ve Diğerleri”, “Yağmurca’nın Çığlığı”.
The event was held in order to emphasize that the theoretical knowledge that the students in Radio Television and Cinema Department learned in the course and the applications they performed were in harmony with the sector and to increase the motivation of the students who study in the department.
On the first day of the event, Geçmen gave detailed information about the staff structure of a television studio, program preparation steps, correct picture taking techniques, camera positioning, live broadcast problems and practical solutions. Geçmen stated that a team working in a television studio should work in harmony with one another in order to achieve a healthy broadcast and stated that the harmony between “director” and “picture selector” is particularly emphasized in this sense.
On the second day of the event, ‘Shooting of a television program with regie’ was performed by Geçmen in EUL TV Studios. Participants in the workshop, with an active participation, also had the opportunity to find answers to the questions they were curious about in addition to the practice.
Radio Television and Cinema Department students and TV program, which was open to all attendees who were curious about the formation process of a studio program, was presented with a certificate of appreciation to Ismail Ragıp Geçmen by EUL TV Manager Akın Baler.