A panel was held in EUL on “The Ones Escaped to Live: Refugees”

A panel on “The Ones Escaped to Live: Refugees” was held by European University of Lefke (EUL) Students’ Dean Office and Social Service Club. At the panel held in EUL Rauf Raif Denktas Conference Hall, Pervin Hazan Yağcı, Field Service Officer of Mercy Corps Turkey Program, attended as speaker.
Yağcı, who gave brief information about herself before her presentation, said that she started working in civil society activities in Turkey starting from the age of 11 and started working with scouts for the first time, then she was involved in international programs and worked in various associations.
Yağcı: There are about 4 million Syrians living in Turkey
Yağcı, who started with the Syrian crisis in Turkey relevant to the issue of refugees, stated that there are about 4 million Syrians living in Turkey, 500 thousand refugees coming from other countries and 14 camps for refugees in Turkey.
Yağcı said that the refugees in Turkey are affiliated to the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) and that refugees officially depend on AFAD directorship. Yağcı stated that Syrian refugees living in Turkey mostly lives in Kilis, Urfa, Gaziantep, Hatay and Istanbul. Yagci said that there are about 2 million Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon outside Turkey, while Turkey shelters Syrian immigrant in 20 provinces.
Lastly, Yağcı gave information about the immigrants in the video demonstrations about the social effects of the problems and immigration during the migration and ended the panel by responding to the questions of the participants.
At the end of the panel, Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu, the Chairman of Social Services Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of EUL, presented Yağcı with a certificate of appreciation.