A First Aid Workshop was held for EUL Faculty of Pharmacy Students

The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy received practical and theoretical training on first aid and its applications with the contributions of the 2nd year students of the Department of First and Emergency Aid of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Vocational School of Health Services.
The participants were first informed theoretically about foreign body blockages, falls and sprains, cardiac and respiratory arrest, heart massage, intervention for patients with a seizure, and medications that may be used in first aid. Afterwards, a workshop was held on performing heart massage, stabilising the patient with seizures, the use of materials for first aid in falls and sprains, the Heimlich manoeuvre, and some basic drug applications, which the participants experienced personally.
By the end of this training, the pharmacists of the future were both informed about current first aid practices before entering the profession and gained experience on how to perform some drug applications on the models themselves.