A Fair organized for the benefit of SOS Children’s Village at EUL

Responsive behavior from EUL Gastronomy Students
European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Centre and Gastronomy Club organized a fair for the benefit of SOS Children’s Village under the framework of social responsibility project. The fair which was organized by Academician Selcan Oyal and the students of Gastronomy Club with the leadership of Chairperson of the Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. İlker Türkeri attracted great attention.
Demirel: We aimed to make the children smile in the S.O.S children’s village
Gastronomy Club students offered delicious products such as bulla, carrot cake, donut, caramel cheesecake, cookies and lemonade. In addition to the taste of the food, the professional presentation style also gained appreciation from EUL students. School of Tourism and Hotel Management, EUL lecturers and students participated intensively in the Fair. All proceeds from the products obtained from the sales were donated to the S.O.S children’s village.
The Chairperson of the Gastronomy Club Alper Demirel said that “We aimed to show our talents to the whole EUL family and to make the children smile in the S.O.S children’s village. I would like to thank my crew and my instructors for making this possible. As you can see, we managed to fulfill our aim with the help of out University”.
Türkeri: We are proud of supporting our sensitive students who act with a sense of social responsibility
After the visit, Chairperson of the Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. İlker Türkeri received the certification of appreciation on behalf of EUL Gastronomy Club and whole EUL Family and said that “We are proud of supporting our sensitive students who act with a sense of social responsibility”.