A contribution from EUL Psychology Club to our animal friends

The Psychology Club, affiliated to the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Centre, has achieved a great success within the scope of the social responsibility project this year as every year.
All EUL members showed great interest in the bazaar event organised by Irfan Kerelti, who was the club president of the Psychology Club in the 2023-2024 Academic Year, and his assistant Gülsena Yaman, together with all club members. In the social responsibility projects, which are traditionally repeated every year, this year the club’s agenda was our animal friends.
A significant contribution was made to the feeding of cats and dogs with the donations collected at the bazaar
The psychology club members, who gathered together to donate food to the ‘Cute Paws’ club, which aims to help the animals under protection within EUL, offered the food etc. they prepared with devotion for sale at the stand they set up, accompanied by live music. The event, which started in the morning hours, continued until the end of the day due to the intense interest. The psychology club made an important contribution to the feeding of cats and dogs at the university with the donations it collected.