EUL Academician Ademgil is on the “World’s Most Influential Scientists” list

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Engineering academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ademgil succeeded in being among the world’s most influential 160 thousand scientists in the “World’s Most Influential Scientists” list which is created as a result of a study conducted by a commission of US and Dutch scientists under the coordination of the US Stanford University in 2019 and 2020.
Ademgil has achieved great success by being in the first 2% segment.
In the study conducted on over 7 million researchers who have published at least 5 articles in their field, the ranking was made using the composite indicator scientific impact index for criteria such as the number of scientific articles, the number of citations, and the rank of the first 2% of scientists were listed according to their own branches in 22 departments and 176 sub-disciplines.
EUL Academician Prof.Dr. Hüseyin Ademgil achieved great success by taking part in the first 2% segment in the field of optoelectronics (Fiber Optic technology) and Telecommunication networks which included 857 scientists from Turkey.