EUL Academician of Nutrition and Dietetics Department emphasized the importance of Breakfast in Child Nutrition
Children who do not have Breakfast are more likely to be unsuccessful
Academician of European University of Lefke (EUL) Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Nazal Bardak Perçinci said that “The most important meal for children is breakfast” and touched upon the importance of breakfast for children. Perçinci said that “Breakfast is the most important meal for everyone, especially children. As a result of children not having regular breakfast, important problems such as decrease in their growth and development, poor performance in school and social activities, and distractions arise” and underlined the importance of having breakfast habits on a regular basis every morning to start a good day, and to be fit and alert.
Breakfast is a necessary meal for children for a healthy diet
Perçinci said that “Undoubtedly, the importance of adequate and balanced nutrition for the growth and development of children is of great importance. Healthy, adequate and balanced nutrition is possible by consuming sufficient amount of food in four basic food groups. One of the most important points of a healthy diet is the order of meals” and expressed that having a diet which includes 3 main meals and 3 snacks per day ensures a more regular metabolism and ensures healthy growth and development.
Perçinci said that breakfast is a meal that should not be skipped by children and is also necessary for healthy diet and added that “Breakfast provides a source of energy to the brain and affects learning positively. Breakfast improves the nutritional status of the student, meets the insufficient energy requirement of the brain in the fasting state and improves the attendance of the course. The concentration of children who do not have breakfast decreases and their performance in recalling the information given decreases”.
Perçinci said that breakfast meals should never be passed on with junk food and gave examples of healthy breakfast menus for children:
• Cheese omelette, Bread, Tomato-pepper, Juice (freshly squeezed or 100% juice)
• Feta cheese, olives, jam or honey-butter, bread, tomatoes, 1 glass of milk
• Boiled egg, bread with cream cheese, 1 glass of milk
• Homemade walnut-carrot cake with less sugar, 1 glass of milk