Denktaş and Küçük commemorated at EUL
It takes years to understand some leaders and it never ends
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Arts & Sciences Department of History and Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education organized a panel themed “Two Honorable Lives dedicated to Cyprus issue: Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Rauf Raif Denktaş”. Journalist/Author Advocate Fuat Veziroğlu and Retired Ambassador, Former Spokesperson of TRNC Presidency Osman Ertuğ attended the panel which was moderated by the Chairperson of EUL Department of History Assoc. Prof. Dr. İhsan Tayhani as speakers.
Tayhani said that “Today we will try to recognize Küçük and Denktaş and to understand and perceive the struggle that fit into their lives” and emphasized that if the Turkish Cypriots continue their existence independently on the island today, if there are two flags waving on these lands and there is an increasingly developing state, it should never be forgotten that we owe these to Küçük and Denktaş and their fellow fighters.
Veziroğlu: Küçük is the leader of the Turkish people’s struggle for freedom
Veziroğlu pointed out that Küçük was a doctor, newspaper owner, politician and above all the leader of the Turkish people’s struggle for freedom and added that “At the same time, Küçük was the first person to put the first mortar on the basis of the TRNC that we have today. Küçük has laid the foundation, put the mortar, and Denktas has completed this foundation, the roof has increased Denktas”.
Veziroğlu also emphasized that Küçük was a doctor who treated poor people on the particular days of the week and added that “Küçük did not pursue medicine for a long time because the national case and the national struggle outweighed him, he devoted himself to this cause and he had to give up medicine after a certain period of time”. Veziroğlu said that every incident is evaluated under the framework of the conditions of that particular time and added that therefore, the days when Küçük began to struggle could not be compared to today and cannot be evaluated in today’s conditions. He also said that “Therefore, in order to understand Küçük, the condition of those times should be comprehended” and gave examples on the conditions of those days.
Ertuğ: Denktaş was a living legend
Pointing out that the fire of struggle started with Küçük, Ertuğ said that the founder President Denktaş carried that torch to the top and created a state. Ertuğ also said that T.R.N.C has appeared in front of the world and history thanks to these two leaders and added that “At the same time, we are commemorating the spirits of our beloved martyrs with respect and gratitude”. Emphasizing that Denktaş was a living legend Ertuğ said that “I’m not the only one saying this. Strangers who know him, have always expressed their admiration for him”.
Ertuğ said that he has developed a system called 4D and 1E which is a facilitating system for the youth in understanding Denktaş and explained this system as; “The first of 4D is Resistance (Direniş) first in our own resistance Turkish Resistance Association (TMT) and second his resistance against international struggle, resistance to injustice. Second D is the State (Devlet), he is the founder of our state. Third D represents the Case (Dava) which is the common national case of Turkey and the T.R.N.C. and the fourth D represents himself Denktaş. There is also E which stands for Sovereignty (Egemenlik)”. Ertuğ stated that Denktaş has always reminded us the motto of the Great Leader Ataturk, “The right is not a right not based on sovereignty”. Ertuğ finally said that “It takes years to understand some leaders and it never ends. So I guess we will continue to narrate Küçük and Denktaş as long as we live, and we hope you will continue to keep them alive”.
At the end of the panel Veziroğlu was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Dean of Arts & Sciences Faculty Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız and Ertuğ by the Dean of Dr. Fazıl Küçük Facuty of Education Prof. Dr. Oğuz Serin.
The exhibition received visitors all day
On the other hand, exhibitions themed “Dr. Fazıl still lives in our hearts on his 113th birthday” and “The Unforgettable Flag Bearer of the National Cyprus Case: Rauf Raif Denktaş” received visitors all day.