Popularizing Early Childhood Education handled at EUL
Current Problems of Education System discussed at EUL
European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department of Classroom Teaching organized a conference themed “Current Problems of Education System and Effects on Student Success”. Prof. Dr. Asuman Sesa Saracaloğlu, Head of Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Educational Sciences Department of Educational Programs and Lecturing attended the conference as a speaker.
Head of European University of Lefke Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department of Classroom Teaching Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökhan İsfikoğlu made the opening speech of the conference and said that “One of the primary goals of education is to educate society as individuals who can meet the needs of the changing age. However, when we look at today’s education system, we see that reforms should be urgently brought to the agenda”. Pointing out the necessity of offering education where the students are active interpreter of the information instead of instead of being passive recipients of knowledge Saracaloğlu said that “The education system in Turkey is undergoing fundamental changes with the arrangements made almost every year. Although the changes are not permanent, it is clear that the desired results cannot be achieved”.
Saracaloğlu: As the structure of society and the world change, there should be innovations in education.
Saracaloğlu listed the recent problems of education system as; failure of innovation efforts in education, exam-based education, failure in national and international exams, lack of budget, crowded and combined classes, low schooling rates, problems in teacher training, problems of technology / information age. Pointing out that as the structure of society and the world change, there should be innovations in education, Saracaloğlu said that “The education system in Turkey is undergoing fundamental changes with the arrangements made almost every year. Although the changes are not permanent, it is clear that the desired results cannot be achieved”.
Saracaloğlu stated that exams have a decisive influence on the content of education, the teaching-learning process, how to study and how to make a measurement and added that “Lessons not included in the examination and educational activities are considered as a waste of time and become insignificant”. Saracaloğlu stated that the expected results could not be obtained in student achievement and that the changes in the education system could be related to the inadequacies of the students in terms of their needs.
Saracaloğlu: Differences in school success and inequalities need to be reduced
Touching upon the necessity of attaching importance to the changes which are valid all around the world and which aims to teach information that are useful in finding solutions to the problems faced in real life instead of changes that do not have a significant bases and that are grade oriented, Saracaloğlu said that differences in school success and inequalities need to be reduced. Stressing the need to develop teachers ‘competencies, Saracaloğlu added that early childhood education should be expanded in order to reduce the negative effects of socio-economic disadvantages of students’ families and social environment on children’s development.