Presentations of Youth Embellished EUL Student Congress

150 Students Presented at 35 Panels
“1st International Social Sciences Student Congress” organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Science and Art Faculty, Department of Psychology has been completed successfully. Within the context of Congress, undergraduate, post graduate, and doctorate students from the fields of social sciences and educational sciences of different universities have made verbal statement presentations.
Congress Organization Board Chairperson and Dean of Science and Arts Faculty Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız evaluated the congress as; “In congress in which 35 panels took place, young researches raised our hopes related with future. 150 undergraduate, post graduate, and doctorate students from different universities made their presentations in five different halls at the same time from every field of social sciences. The presentations had “diversity”. This shows that the interest of these students is not unilateral. Being unilateral in science is equal with being close minded.”
Yıldız continued his speech as; “As an overall assessment we can say that these students have qualities such as scientific interest, sense of corporation, working interdisciplinary, speaking their own mind, special election in source usage, making use of technology which are all important abilities from the point of science. Yıldız pointed out the importance of studying without boasting and losing self-confidence and said only the ones who can wonder; satisfy their curiosity with researches and those who uses knowledge correctly can build the future of a country.”
Interesting discussions took place in the panels that were led by experienced lecturers from different faculties of EUL. Discussions of undergraduate, post graduate, and doctorate students embellished the congress. The students who attended the congress stated that they were pleased to be at European University of Lefke and being able to participate in a such scientific setting.