Perfusion Techniques (Turkish)


Today, during cardiac surgery, a variety of cardiopulmonary bypass devices, intra-aortic balloon pump, physiological monitoring and measuring devices, such as heart-lung machine and blood gas machines, are used. Operation and use of this device with high-tech medical infrastructure requires technical knowledge and experience.

The purpose of the perfusion techniques program is; health technicians will provide assistance in operating and following the heart-lung machine used in heart surgery, a heart-lung support devices used for circulatory or respiratory failure, kidney failure, dialysis devices used in hemo-diafiltration and auto-transfusion under the supervision of a specialist such as cardiovascular surgeon or anaesthesiologist.

Students who complete the Perfusion Technician Program is granted with the associate degree.  Perfusion technicians can work under the unit of perfusion techniques, in private or state institutions which carry out cardiovascular surgeries and are bound to the Ministry of Health.

The medium of instruction is Turkish