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EUL Academician Kaygısız: The Importance of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Practices Increases with Increasing Life Span
European University of Lefke (EUL) Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beliz Belgen Kaygısız has provided information…

A Conference on “Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Industry is Waiting for You” was held at EUL
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Pharmacy organised a conference on “Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Industry is Waiting for you”. Eastern…

EUL Academician Dağcılar drew attention to the importance of Sports Nutrition
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kamil Dağcılar made…

A conference on “Leadership in Developing Technology” was organised at EUL
A conference on “Leadership in Developing Technology” was organised by the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Economics…

EUL Table Tennis Team Coach Demiray: Our team has accomplished achievements that are difficult to reach
Aşkın Demiray, the experienced coach of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Table Tennis Team, stated that she has been…

Rwanda Culture Day was organised at EUL
The “Rwandan Culture Day”, which was organised by the International Students Club and the Rwandan Students Community of the European…

A conference on “Toxicogenetics and Therapeutic Approaches” was held for Pharmacy students at EUL
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Pharmacy organised a conference on “Toxicogenetics and Therapeutic Approaches”. The conference on “Toxicogenetics…

A First Aid Workshop was held for EUL Faculty of Pharmacy Students
The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy received practical and theoretical training on first aid and its applications with the…

The graduation ceremony for the Fall Semester was held at EUL
European University of Lefke (EUL) 2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Semester graduates received their diplomas at a ceremony held on 25…