2nd Lefke City Symposium continues

The second day of the “2nd Lefke City Symposium”, which will continue until the 20th of December, in collaboration with the European University of Lefke (EUL) and the Municipality of Lefke, took place on Wednesday, December 19 at the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Law.
Prof. Dr. Meltem Yılmaz made a presentation titled “Sustainable life and place in Lefke” in the session which the concept of “Urban Planning and Recent Approaches” was handled. In the session which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Halil Semih Eryıldız (Chairman of Adakademi Foundation) following presentations were made; Assist. Prof. Dr . İlker Türkeri, Assist. Prof. Dr. Meltem Köksal (EUL) “Assessment of the Perceptions of the Calm City Quality of Life within the Scope of Demographic Characteristics of Local People: Lefke Sample”; Assist. Prof. Dr Mahbule Oktay, Assist. Prof. Dr Damla Mısırlısoy (EUL) “Reuse of Abandoned Historical Buildings: Church Samples in Lefke and Çamlıköy”; Prof. Dr. H. Çağatay Keskinok, Prof. Dr. Ela Babalık (METU) “Planning Projects for Lefke: 2018-2019 Academic Year METU City and Regional Planning Department Planning Studio Studies”; Prof. Dr. Ulvi Keser, Devran Akbayram “Lefke and Communication in the History of Turkish Cypriot Struggle (1955-1974)”.
Invited speaker Prof.Dr. Dr. Oğuz Karakartal (EUL) made a presentation on “Nevruz Tekman (1936-2001), a female poet from Lefke” in the session which handles “City and Agriculture. .In the session which was moderated by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Atilla Aşkın (EUL) following presentations were made; Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kaymakçı, Assoc Prof. Dr. Dilek Arsoy “Status, Problems and Solution Approaches of Plant and Animal Production in TRNC”
; Assit. Prof. Dr. Meltem Uçar (EUL) “Importance of Honey, Pollen, Propolis and Royal Jelly for Humans”; Tourist Guide Hasan Karlıtaş “Lefke District Tourism Development Strategy; What Kind of Tourism?”. In the session where “City and Health Policies” were examined, Prof. Dr. Ruhi Selçuk Tabak, Oluwakemi Sandra Olatunde (EUL) “Factors Affecting Health Care Use of EUL Students” and Prof. Dr. Feray Gökdoğan (CIU) “Developing a Low Cost Service Model for Elderly Care in Lefke” were discussed.
The session which handled “the Relation of City and Education”, was moderated by Prof. Dr. Ercan Tatlıdil (Ege University). Following presentations were made in the session. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürkan Gümüşatam, Dr. Gülden Sarı (CIU) “Text Analysis of the Epic of Lefke Delirium in the Context of Sociolinguistic and Literary History”; Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. . Özge Özgür Bayır, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mualla Köseoğlu, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Özada Nazım (SHU), Expert. Mehmet Atasayar, Academician Gül Şahin (EUL) “Being a Student in a Calm City; The Case of TRNC-Lefke”; Master Urban Planner Ayça Soygür Çıralı “A Slow City and University Relationship: The Case of Lefke”; Assit. Prof. Dr. Gül Kahveci, Expert Ayşe Mortaş (EUL) “Determining the Views of Emergency Service Personnel Regarding the Representation Levels of Individuals with Special Needs in Disaster Management Programs”.