EUL and TELSIM Collaboration for Internet Support to EUL Students
European University of Lefke (EUL), in collaboration with Telsim who acts in the vision of leading North Cyprus in digitalisation, provides free mobile internet service to EUL students who are in North Cyprus and cannot benefit from the current internet infrastructure due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Telsim General Director Cenk Alper: “We carry on developing digital solutions and communication infrastructure depending on customer needs and accompanying them.”
Telsim General Director Cenk Alper stated that as Telsim they believe that they will overcome this challenging period by collaboration and taking necessary precautions. He also mentioned that:
“By strong collaboration we have made with EUL, we provided internet connection to EUL students who are in North Cyprus and are unable to use the university’s current internet infrastructure. Throughout this period that affected the whole word, we carry on developing digital solutions and communication infrastructure depending on customer needs and accompanying them.
European University of Lefke Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen: “We started to provide free mobile internet service for our students who are in North Cyprus in collaboration with Telsim Vodafone.”
By emphasizing that due to COVID-19 pandemic across the globe our country is going through a difficult time period, Yükselen stated that with the purpose of offering the EUL students opportunity to receive continuous education,European University of Lefke and Telsim has made an exemplary collaboration.
European University of Lefke Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen stated that, “it is decided that the education we had suspended due to pandemic shall continue on the online platform for 2019-2020 Spring Semester. In order to ensure our students can continue their online education on the platform, we started providing free mobile internet service,in collaboration with Telsim Vodafone, for students who are in North Cyprus and can not benefit from university’s current internet infrastructure. The purpose of the project is to ensure our students can reach online education platform wherever they are. I would like to share my thanks to Telsim for this collaboration.”
It is sufficient for all EUL students, who would like to benefit from this project, to fill in the application form on university website. Upon completion of the process a passsword will be sent to applicant students by university.