1048 Students Graduated

Nicosia, 23 June 2017 (Turkish News Agency) : 2016-2017 graduation ceremony of European University of Lefke (EUL) took place last night.
In the ceremony organized on 16 August Liberation Hall of Lefke, 1048 students received diplomas.
Chairperson of Republican Parliament Sibel Siber, Head of Higher Education Planning, Accreditation and Coordination Council Başkanı Prof. Dr. Akile Büke, Rector of EUL Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Özgün Faruk gave an address.
2016-2017 graduation ceremony of European University of Lefke started with a moment of silence, the Turkish National Anthem and speeches.
During the ceremony top scoring students got their diplomas and rewards, at the end of the ceremony graduates and their parents attended the cocktail party.
The Rector of EUL Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen pointed out that investment on human beings is the most meaningful, important, and long termed investment and he underlined that the university functions with this awareness.
Yükselen stressed that, 1048 students, including two-year degree, undergraduate, graduate and doctorates received diplomas this year.
Yukselen pointed out the developments that EUL has been going through and he said that the population of the school is intended to reach 11.000 by October.
Yükselen showed his sincere thanks to the government and Turkish Embassy of Nicosia for making contributions to the university and congratulate the graduate the students.
The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Özgün Faruk pointed out with the increasing student population, the investments within Lefke and nearby regions is increasing and this contributes to the socio-cultural development of the regions.
Faruk touched upon the importance of Lefke becoming a district and said that student population and increase in the overall population has an effect on this decision.
At the end of this speech Faruk wished success to the graduates.
The Head of Higher Education Planning, Accreditation and Coordination Council Başkanı Prof. Dr. Akile Büke pointed out that membership of universities to international councils and accredidations are source of pride.
Büke drew attention on the international memberships and accreditations of EUL and these should be sustainable.
Büke pointed out that she is proud and glad to join such a graduation and she wished good luck to graduates.
The Chairperson of Republican Parliament Sibel Siber said that EUL is a rapidly developing and dynamic university and she said that she is proud of the quality, accreditations and new faculties of EUL.
Siber stressed that universities open doors to the world of many countries; “We are embargoed but our diplomas are valid all over the world, the achievements of our students contributes to us as well”.
Siber said “Paving the way of universities and to canonize universities should be our priority” and she graduated the students.
Siber suggested to students to never lose their appetite for studying and to work hard in order to reach their dreams.
On behalf of the graduates Ayden Özekinci and Loukoumana Sacko made a speech.
Students expressed their pride for graduating from EUL and showed their sincere thanks to the university staff, families, academics and the ones who live nearby the university.
After the speeches the diplomas were presented. The ceremony ended with a cocktail party.